Site Features
Update to site
New changes to the site allowing for logging in using your Facebook or Google account!
Site Features
New changes to the site allowing for logging in using your Facebook or Google account!
Cosmic Endeavor Story
Power Initiates has received it's first award, the B.R.A.G Medallion from indieBRAG
Cosmic Endeavor Story
You can now find the story you love in e-book and printed copy in your favorite stores.
Find links to them on any of the story pages in the first saga!
Site Features
Lots of great things are now live!
General Announcement
We put together a little Q&A of some of the questions we've gotten when talking about Chronicles:CE in hopes of explaining it better.
Cosmic Endeavor Story
All great journeys start with a single step. We're glad to share one of our great steps thanks to our growing community.
General Announcement
We are proud to announce the launch of the Cosmic Endeavor Community Site.